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At the AWP Conference, Washington, DC, 2010.


Julie Luongo Novelist

Margaret Ingraham Poet

Taije Silverman Poet

Daniel Nester Author & Poet

Daniel Tobin Poet

Heather Thomas Poet

Jerry Spinelli Young Adult Author


VCCA International Retreat for Visual Artists, Writers, and Composers

Ragdale Retreat for Visual Artists, Writers, and Composers

Oberpfalzer Kunstlerhaus German retreat

Recent News

Guitar God September 3, 2018

I am endless moved by the pure joy Tommy Emmanuel exhibits in his playing.  May we all find such pleasure in our art!

And that Satriani guy, he’s sorta good too, I guess….



The political scandal of the century? July 23, 2018

New York Times: Are Republicans Covering for Trump, or for Themselves?

Washington Post: The entire Republican Party is becoming a Russian asset

July 6, 2018

Help Keep Families Together June 19, 2018

For anyone trying to figure out how to combat the Trump Administration’s deplorable “zero-tolerance” immigration policy, I found this list of charitable organizations, courtesy of Daily Kos and ActBlue, to be very helpful!

It’s unacceptable to rip children away from their parents as punishment. And in my mind it’s Reason #501 why the ignorance and cruelty of the Trump Administration must be opposed….

George Takei: At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents

Laura Bush: Separating children from their parents at the border ‘breaks my heart’

Happy Birthday, MooseLips! June 8, 2017

So many wonderful memories!

Goodbye, Carrie December 27, 2016

The Force is with you. Always.

Time Lost and Found August 3, 2015

Kudos to Anne Lamott for this great piece of advice! It also reconfirms my decision last year to get rid of my smartphone!

Poet and Comic Book Lore April 17, 2014

The nights are still cold, and the Indians are one game under .500, but I’m feeling a little Spring renewal with the publication of four new poems and the inclusion of an “oldie but goodie” in a brand new anthology.

First up is the new issue of Poet Lore (Vol. 109, No. 1/2), which contains my new poem “Visit”. This is the second time my work has appeared in Poet Lore. The first time was in 2007 (Good God! Has it been that long!!??) when the editors published my poems, “Amelia Avenue”, “Before Supper” and “Potholes” in Vol. 102, Nos. 1 & 2.

Todd Moffett and the good folks at the College of Southern Nevada also have published three more new poems — “Sundays”, “Homework” and “Gossip” — in Red Rock Review, No. 33. This is my second go-around with Red Rock. My poem “Class” appeared in RRR No. 27, spring 2011.

But perhaps the publication that has me most geeking out is the inclusion of my “superhero” poem “Tongue-Tied” in the anthology Drawn to Marvel: Poems from the Comic Books. Fresh off the presses from Minor Arcana Press, this collection is the first and only of its kind to feature decades of new and old poems inspired by the comic books and funny pages. In here you’ll also find poems by Sherman Alexie, Rae Armantrout and my fellow runner-up for the 2012 Paterson Poetry Prize, Dorriane Laux.

Happy spring, and many thanks to all the editors and staff that made these new publications possible!

The Indians will start hitting. I know it.

Connexting in the Lehigh Valley July 8, 2013

After taking a little bit of time off from the road, I will be the guest and featured poet at Connexions Art Gallery in Easton, PA, on Saturday, Sept. 14. In addition to hosting poetry readings, Connexions is a beautiful space featuring paintings, sculpture and other great works of art within the Lehigh Valley.

Planning on reading five or six poems from Mud Cakes in addition to a couple of new poems not in the book. The event starts at 7 pm! Come one, come all!

Poetry Reading April 6 April 4, 2013

Thanks to the kind folks at the Poetry Center at Passaic County Community College, Mud Cakes has been selected as a Finalist for the 2012 Paterson Poetry Prize. To commemorate winner Dorriane Laux for her book, The Book of Men, and my fellow finalists, the Poetry Center will host a reading on Saturday, April 6, at 1 pm, at Passaic County Community College as part of its Distinguished Poets Series.

For those who might be interested in attending, the address of the venue is Hamilton Club Building, 32 Church Street, Paterson, NJ 07505.

Free Parking is also available for the event in the Passaic County Community College parking lot #3 on College Blvd. between Memorial Drive and Church Street.

Click here to check out a complete listing of all finalists and other information about the Paterson Poetry Prize.